
Fiber Gallery


The transparency of silk and paper embodies the way we need be with each other. We are defined by our compassion and kindness towards others. In these times we must be aware. We must never lose our humanity. 

"Real Women - Contemplation"

Sketched from a live model directly onto muslin, then painted, appliquéd with dyed cheese cloth and quilted. Capturing the lines of women on muslin, brings a positive body image of how women should see themselves.


Featured are the beautiful curves and shapes of real women. 
Ironically, “Vanity” highlights a woman who’s face is not seen.

Often vain women, actually, feel worthless inside, which is then masked by excessive pride, never being permitted to be proud of her appearance.

"Vanity" is part of a series, entitled "Alphabetica". by the artists of FiberArt North East. 

Real Women - Fiber Quilts

"Real Women"

… is a series that connects women through fiber. 

Sketched from a live model directly onto muslin, then painted, stitched and embellished. "Real Women" Captures the beautiful lines of women on muslin shining a light on the positive body image women should have of themselves.

"Real Women" In motion

Hand painted fiber sculpture. They reflect the movement and grace of women.

Real Women: "Reach" 14x96"

Created on sheer fabric and and hand painted silk. "Reach" has two layers. the top reflecting how women need to reach for what they want. They transparency is a theme in the new work created by  Raina Lynn. Can we see what is really inside? We need to be more transparent.

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"Dream" 17 X 36

Fiber collage.


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